Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jirou (bio)

Jirou (a half-wolf, half-human) was created by Hijunaki and became a good friend of Rig Katashi. Jirou told Akumie the truth (that Rig was using her for sex). The first mission Jirou goes on with Rig is to find Hijunaki's human female slave Yamaka.

Getting Yomosa
Hijunaki assigns Jirou to help Rig Katashi in his mission to get Yommosa. Jirou is assigned so that Rig won't cause too much trouble. The mission was successful.

Rig Katashi Fighting Hijunaki
Jirou tries to get Rig to not fight Hijunaki for Yomosa. He fails. After Hijunaki dies, Jirou leaves Hijunaki's Palace as well as saying goodbye to Rig Katashi.

Rig's About to Leave Japan
Jirou, being so used to what Hijunaki could provide him, isn't coping well with being out on his own. He runs into Rig Katashi and Yomosa. He tells Rig he wants to eat Yomosa, but Rig says no and Yomosa offers Jirou fresh wolf meat. Jirou accepts the meat and soon after tells Rig about a harbor that is closer by. He then says goodbye to his longtime friend.

Jirou and Rig Katashi
Jirou is Rig's only true friend. Jirou truly started their friendship when they began sparring. He helps Rig out but doesn't truly understand Rig. Jirou discovers he admires Rig as a true friend and after Rig kills Hijunaki, the admiration doesn't diminish. Jirou is very sad when Rig leaves.

Jirou and Hijunaki
Jirou is not friends with Hijunaki by any means, but he is trusted by Hijunaki nonetheless.

Jirou and Yomosa
Views Yomosa as a human and unimportant.

Jirou appears to be a wolf that walked on its hind legs. His head has the same shape as a human’s and has human teeth. Jirou’s hands are also human but have fur on the back of them.

Jirou can contact the spirits of all the elements (fire, earth, air, water, and death).


First Appearance
Sushi, Sake, and Tanuki: A New Leaf 7

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